The medieval church dedicated to Sant’Omobono stands on a rocky mass at the beginning of the ancient via dei Coppolari, now via Vincenzo De Grazia. It probably dates back to the 11th-12th century and was built, according to some legends reported by local historians, on the ruins of an ancient temple of the Sun that stood in the western part of the city.
It is in Byzantine-Norman style, and is the only medieval city monument that has survived almost intact to the present day. Small and rectangular in shape, the church was spiritually linked to Constantinople and the Greek Orthodox rite.
Damaged by the earthquake of 1783, it was closed to worship and, during the French occupation, was requisitioned by the military authorities and used as a depot for ammunition.
Forfeited from the state property in 1827, the church was subsequently sold at auction to private individuals, for 320 ducats. It was acquired in the patrimony of the Diocese in 1999 and subsequently restored and enhanced also thanks to the 8xmille funds.
Sant'Omobono Church
Address: Via Vincenzo de Grazia, 15/27
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