FEMMES 1900 exhibition

FEMMES 1900 exhibition

PROPORDENONE ONLUS is pleased to present you the exhibition FEMMES 1900, that will take place in Pordenone at the Harry Bertoia Gallery, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 60, form the 11th of May to the 21st of July 2019.

The exhibition FEMMES 1900 will offer, for the first time in Europe, a tour of the image of the woman during the Art Nouveau artistic period, thanks to many outstanding works of art. The exhibition will offer and analysis on the woman figure: how she was represented, observed and idealized during that particular artistic moment at the beginning of the XX century.

The chosen theme will be the thread that presents all the pieces from around Europe; works of graphic, painting, sculpture, both in ceramic and porcelain, metal works, glasses and posters, ecc.

The exposed object will be 300, especially chosen to represent the period and the woman figure.

Many talented masterminds created these pieces of art, some of them are famous worldwide, such as Alfonse Mucha, Privat Livemont, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, George De Feure and many other; many of the exposed objects were never published before.

Thanks to the high quality of the objects, we created an easy-reading excursus between the different European stiles and the different sensitivity of the artists treating the woman figure… The visitor will be guided in the recognition of the many different declinations of the stile, from the Spanish Modernism to the French Art Nouveau, from the Italian Liberty to the Austrian Secessionism and the German Jugendstill.

Many works of Eugene Grasset – one of the fathers of modern graphic and of the Art Nouveau movement – will be shown.

To better present you the woman figure and ideal of that time, we have chosen three women that distinguished there self and that gave birth to the modern star image: Sarah Bernhardt, the “Divine”, Cleo De Merode the most photographed woman of the ‘900, and Loie Fuller one of the creator of modern dance. They were able to mix together their talents and innovation with seductive and captivating qualities so powerful that made them the top icons of the beginning of the XX century.

In the media room there will be projections of movie’s extracts, like “Les amours de la reine Elisabeth” (1912) interpreted by Sarah Bernhardt and kindly offered by Cineteca del Friuli, and a short film “Création de la Serpentine” (1908) with Loie Fuller as the protagonist.

A rich selection of musical pieces form the Belle Epoque will be the background to the exhibition.

Exhibition organized by Propordenone Onlus will the support of Comune di Pordenone, regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Reale Mutua Assicurazioni-ag. di Pordenone, Banca Mediolanum, Camera di Commercio Pordenone - Udine.

Opening hours

Form Wednesday to Friday 15.00-19.00

Saturday and Sunday 10.00-13.00 and 15.00-19.00

Published by: Lorenzo Renzulli
Date: 06-05-2019

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