One of the most evocative complexes of the city of Terni is the Fausto Amphitheater, the main archaeological find from the Roman age still visible.
The Roman amphitheater was probably built around the first decades of the first century AD. by order of Fausto Liberale, as evidenced by its technical and stylistic characteristics: the polychrome reticulate of the walls, not present before the Augustan age, and the cavea, no longer excavated in the ground, as in the second half of the 1st century BC.
The building is now known as the Fausto Amphitheater due to the discovery near it of a marble inscription, which recalls the dedication of 32 AD. of a monument in honor of the Providence of the Emperor Tiberius. This also specifies the date of foundation of the city, 672 BC. Author of the dedication is Fausto Titio Liberale, a member of a college that looked after the imperial cult. Currently, the original of the inscription is exhibited at the Civic Archaeological Museum of Terni.
The material used is essentially made up of the sponga delle Marmore stone, a local sedimentary rock very common in construction; the technique used is that of the opus vittatum (facing of stone blocks arranged in similar horizontal rows).
Fausto Amphitheater
Address: Via del Vescovado, 7
Phone: 0744/5491
https://www.comune.terni.it/anfiteatro-romano#Location inserted by