Villa Fidelia, or Costanzi, is a seventeenth-century walled building with a large park and Italian garden, built on the site of a fourth-century Roman sanctuary.

It was the Urbani, a wealthy family from Spello, in the 17th century who realized the new desire of the nobility to own a villa in the countryside, outside the walls, where they could spend the good season.

The villa, in the eighteenth century, was acquired by the aristocrat Teresa Pamphili Grillo who implemented a radical transformation plan.

The main body of the villa was divided into five floors, two of which under the surface of the ground.

The garden and the slight fortification of the villa were also more cared for. The Sperellis and Piermarini took over the property from Pamphili Grillo and had the Vesuvian garden and Diana's fountain set up.

In 1845 the villa passed to the Tani-Menicacci and to the Collegio Vitale Rosi, whose managers made uninteresting changes.

Villa Fidelia Costanzi
Address: Via Villa Costanzi, 06038
Phone: +39 0742 302100
https://turismo.comune.spello.pg.it/#Location inserted by