First permanent room in the world open to visitors to try virtual reality!
Inside the VR Room, visitors will be able to experience the thrill of wearing the viewer and discover what it means to immerse themselves in the virtual world of their favorite video game and observe it from the eyes of the protagonist!

The experience can be used without any extra on the cost of the ticket.
The games available inside the room will be regularly varied, to offer visitors an ever new and surprising experience.

The VIGAMUS Bookshop offers a vast selection of volumes for fans and professionals of the videogame sector, such as the catalogs and publications of the Museum, collected in the CONSCIOUS GAMING series. Video Game Culture Manuals.

Also inside the shop, you can buy gadgets and souvenirs dedicated to the video game and the most famous sagas, such as sweatshirts and T-shirts.
To access the Bookshop it is not necessary to purchase an entrance ticket.
Address: Via Sabotino, 4, 00195
Phone: +39 06 4547 5940
https://www.vigamusmagazine.com/211353/vigamus-il-museo-del-videogioco-festeggia-i-suoi-8-anni/Location inserted by