The Naval Museum is a national museum in Madrid, Spain.

It shows the history of the Spanish Navy since the Catholic Monarchs, in the 15th century, up to the present. The displays set naval history in a wide context with information about Spanish rulers and the country's former colonies. The collections include navigation instruments, weapons, maps and paintings.

Its origins date back to a royal decree issued on 28 September 1792, yet it was not until 1843 when the Museum was inaugurated in Madrid, initially housed in the Palacio de los Consejos.

It was soon moved to the "Casa del Platero" and then to the "Palacio de los Ministerios", where it remained until 1932.

Museo Naval
Address: Paseo del Prado, 3, 28014
Phone: +34915238516
http://www.armada.mde.es/museonaval/Location inserted by