The walls of Treviso are the complex of defensive works erected over the centuries to defend the city from enemy attacks.
The Treviso Municipal Administration has decided to start the celebrations for the five hundredth anniversary of the construction of the Treviso walls, which took place between 1500 and 1530.
The celebrations will take place in the 500 days between June 2016 and November 2017.
The initiative was created to offer citizens, visitors and enthusiasts the opportunity to rediscover with new eyes the most impressive monument in the city and most present in the life of our community, a place of affection, culture and entertainment.
The walls have certainly become an integral part of the urban landscape, but sometimes, perhaps, their artistic and architectural values ​​are forgotten.
The enhancement of the Walls therefore requires a strong physical identification of the building which is, first of all, knowledge of its history, the reasons for its presence, its current use and also the role it has played and continues to have in the urban development of the city.
It is a cultural operation, knowing full well that knowledge and enhancement also provide better tools for the tourism promotion of Treviso.
The celebrations also offer an opportunity to hopefully stimulate the series of restoration and conservation interventions of the artefact that are now necessary, involving public institutions and private sponsors.
The fourteenth-century walls made with baked bricks and without too many supports inside, were designed to defend against medieval assault techniques, such as catapults, tortoises and rams.
Sections of this ancient wall can still be seen near the Altinia gate, built next to the previous medieval gate whose vaults resist.
Walls of Treviso
Address: Viale B. Burchiellati, 28A, 31100
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