Tradition attributes its foundation to the Grand Conte Ruggero, the Norman leader who removed Adrano from Islamic rule around 1070 and who after 1150 the castle building was inherited by his granddaughter Adelicia d'Altavilla. Torrione would be part of those articulated defense systems that the Normans established in eastern Sicily in order to militarily control the territory and ensure its dominion.
The castle of Adrano, together with those of the nearby Paternò and Motta Sant'Anastasia, in the complex structure of the conquered lands, would have been built to control the access routes to the hinterland along the valley of the Simeto river and guarantee the conquerors the control of the city of Catania and the territory behind it.
Norman Castle
Address: Via Tagliamento, 95031
Phone: 095 769 2660
http://www.regione.sicilia.it/beniculturali/museoadrano/ita/pagina.aspx?i=15Location inserted by
Culturalword Abco