The municipality covers the entire island of Pantelleria which is more than 80 km² (4 times approximately the island of Lampedusa) and is located 110 km south west of Sicily and 65 km north east of Tunisia, whose coast is often visible to the naked eye. Its territory is of volcanic origin. The last eruption occurred, in 1891, on the north-western slope, in the submerged part. Many phenomena of secondary volcanism are still present, mainly hot waters and steam heads. The island reaches an altitude of 836 m above sea level with the Montagna Grande.

The port of the island allows regular connection with the ports of Trapani and Mazara del Vallo. Pantelleria has an airport and is connected to mainland Italy with scheduled flights. Known for its centrality in the Mediterranean Sea, an intermediate stop between Africa and Sicily and a cornerstone for trade with the Levant, Pantelleria is characterized by the singularity of its landscape, in which natural elements (block lava flows, coves and stacks) are added. man-made artifacts: dry stone walls, with the fourfold function of removing stones from the ground, containing the soil, delimiting the landed property and protecting from the wind; panteschi gardens, almost always cylindrical constructions in dry lava stone masonry with the dual function of protecting citrus fruits from the wind and controlling the micro-climatic effects for a proper supply of water to the plant, where the island is naturally devoid of it; dammusi, rural buildings with thick dry walls, cubic, with white domed roofs and round arched openings, ancestral examples of bio-climatic architecture
Island of Pantelleria
Address: Piazza Cavour, 11, 91017
Phone: 0923 695011
http://www.comunepantelleria.it/Location inserted by
Culturalword Abco