The Chinese Casina in Palermo, commonly known as the Chinese Palace, is an ancient royal residence of the Bourbons of the Two Sicilies, located on the edge of the Parco della Favorita, on the border of the Monte Pellegrino Reserve. It was built by Giuseppe Venanzio Marvuglia starting from 1799 commissioned by Ferdinand III of Sicily who had bought a Chinese-style house from Baron Benedetto Lombardo, along with land bordering some rooms. Marvuglia, who was the author of the previous building, carried out the work maintaining the oriental style: the central body ends at the top with a pagoda roof, supported by an octagonal drum.
On the ground floor there are pointed arched arcades and in the two sides there are turrets with helical open staircases, a work built by the master builder Giuseppe Patricolo, but probably designed by Marvuglia's son, Alessandro Emmanuele.
The construction has curious elements: the bells of the entrance grate, the carved wooden beams of the terraces and the scallops.
Chinese Building
Address: Viale Duca degli Abruzzi, 1, 90149
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