Maserati is one of the car manufacturers richest in charm, tradition and sporting successes. It was born in Bologna on 1 December 1914 by Alfieri Maserati as a mechanical workshop called "Officine Alfieri Maserati". In 1926 Maserati transforms itself from a workshop that modifies or develops cars from other manufacturers into a company that designs, builds and sells its own cars.
The Maserati brothers adopt the symbol of the Trident, recreated by the artist of the family - Mario Maserati - and inspired by the famous statue of Neptune in Bologna, making it the logo that summarizes, in a single image, the new House. At the end of the thirties, following the acquisition of the company by the Modenese entrepreneur Adolfo Orsi, Maserati moved to Modena, at the current plant in Viale Ciro Menotti.