Montenero di Bisaccia (Mundunirë in montenerese) is an Italian town in the province of Campobasso, in Molise. Until 1790 it was still an integral part of Abruzzo Citiore according to the results of the chalcography chambers and Giovanni Antonio Rizzi Zannoni.
Hilly center close to the sea and the Trigno river, it ranges in altitude from the 273 meters of the inhabited center to the sea level of the beach. The climate is characterized by mild winters, with sporadic and scarce snowfalls, and by hot and dry summers. The town has ancient origins, located about ten kilometers from the Molise coast, a part of which falls within its territory. It originated from the village of Bisaccia, whose name it has preserved and whose ruins are still partially visible about a kilometer from the town. The village was abandoned with the barbarian invasions, when the inhabitants took refuge first in the sandstone caves, then began to settle on the hill called precisely "black mountain" because of the thick bush that covered it.
The new fiefdom belonged in the seventh century to the abbey of Santa Maria a Calano, being subsequently destroyed by the invasions of the Saracens, until 851. In 1187 the fief belonged to Riccardo di Agnone, and rebuilt under the dominion of Federico II. Among the various owners who succeeded each other from the 15th century onwards are the Cantelmo, Sangro, Carafa, Caracciolo and d'Avalos. In the sixteenth century it was again damaged by the incursions of the Turks, until September 26, 1712. From 1799 it began to be part of the District of Vasto Abruzzo Citra, until 1861, when the administration of the province of Campobasso became part of the territory degli Abruzzi. Since 1949 it has been part of the province of Campobasso, and the economy of seaside tourism has developed in the nineties.
Montenero di Bisaccia
Address: Piazza della Libertà , 4, 86036
Phone: 0875 959201
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