Setenil de las Bodegas is a Spanish municipality located in the autonomous community of Andalusia. The name Setenil derives from the 7 sieges that were necessary to remove it from the domain of the Morì.

Setenil de las Bodegas is one of the strangest countries in the world, because its houses seem to have been incorporated into stone. The country has just over 3,000 inhabitants. The first thing they see when they come out of their homes is the huge rock formation that runs through the streets. The stone does not abandon them for the whole time of their walk, whether they go shopping or go to the bar to have a coffee. And on their return home the situation does not change: because the interior of the oldest buildings is made of the same stone that kept them company for the whole course of the day.

Ever since man used to inhabit caves. But in this particular area he did not just reside there, but modeled them as he liked, as shown by the paintings found in the nearby Cueva de la Pileta, which testify to the habits of the populations of 25,000 years ago. Similarly to other cave cities existing in the world, urban development took place in full harmony with mother nature. In this case, however, the inhabitants of Setenil limited themselves to building only the facade of their houses, where these are located under the huge rock mass.
Setenil de las Bodegas
Address: 11692, Cadice
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