Syracuse is an Italian town that is the capital of the province of the same name in .
Located on the south-eastern coast of the island, Syracuse has a thousand-year history: its foundation took place around the year 734-733 BC, by the Corinthians.

Listed as one of the largest metropolises of the classical age, it excelled in power and wealth with Athens, which tried in vain to subdue it.
Numerous influential personalities welcomed within it, such as Plato who, arriving there three times, tried to establish the ideal State of the Republic.

Homeland of artists, philosophers and men of science, it was the birthplace, among others, of the famous Archimedes.
It was conquered by Rome in 212 BC. Cicero in the 1st century BC. he still described it as "the largest and most beautiful Greek city".
In the year 61 the apostle Paul stayed there for three days, while he was being led to Rome.

Syracuse is also known for being the birthplace of Santa Lucia, whose martyrdom took place on December 13, 304.
Important center of the Byzantine Empire, it became its capital during the sixth century.
The Arab conquest, which took place in the year 878, put an end to the Syracusan hegemony.
After the violent earthquake of 1693, the historic center of the city took on the baroque style that still distinguishes it today. In modern times it was one of the main stops on the European Grand Tour.

During the Second World War, in the year 1943, an armistice was signed in the south-west of Syracuse, in the district of Santa Teresa Longarini, which sanctioned the cessation of hostilities between the Kingdom of Italy and the allied forces of the Anglo-Americans; gone down in history as the armistice of Cassibile.
Characterized by enormous historical, architectural and landscape riches, the city of Syracuse was declared by Unesco in 2005, together with the Rupestrian Necropolis of Pantalica, a World Heritage Site.

In 2009 it hosted the G8 forum on the environment which gave rise to the Syracuse charter on biodiversity, adopted at the G8 in L'Aquila.
Address: Piazza Duomo, 4, 96100
Phone: 0931 451111
http://www.comune.siracusa.itLocation inserted by