The Bauhaus-Archiv was founded in Darmstadt in 1960 with the support of Walter Gropius and other members of the Bauhaus.

Soon the museum collection begins and grows thanks to a construction project. The project is designed and written to place the building in Darmstadt, where it was strongly desired by the political authorities of the time.

But at the same time the Berlin Senate was the western era to find space and money for the museum. In 1971 the museum found a temporary location in Berlin. Changes to the original project, which included location along the Landwehrkanal, policies and financial problems make the project forget for some time. In 1976, the works and the building will be completed in 1979.

Almost nothing was found of original Gropius drawings, except for those concerning the characteristic roof of the building. In 1997 the building was placed under monumental protection (Denkmalschutz).

Bauhaus Archive Bauhaus-Archiv Museum für Gestaltung Berlin
Address: Klingelhöferstraße 14, 10785
Phone: +49 30 2540020
https://www.bauhaus.deLocation inserted by
Paola Bonometti