ICCROM headquarters in Rome.
The International Study Center for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (since 1978 called ICCROM, an acronym born from "The International Center for Conservation" and "The Roma Center") is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to the conservation of cultural heritage worldwide through training, information, research, cooperation and awareness. Its activity is aimed at enhancing the conservation - restoration sector and informing about the importance and fragility of cultural heritage.
The creation of the Center is the result of a proposal presented during the UNESCO General Conference in New Delhi in 1956.
Three years later, the Center was established in Rome (Italy) which still continues to be its headquarters. The first site was close to the historic headquarters of the Central Institute for Restoration in Piazza San Francesco di Paola, while subsequently ICCROM was housed in the monumental complex of San Michele a Ripa, in Rome.
ICCROM responds to the needs of its Member States, which currently number 136
ICCROM headquarters
Address: Via di S. Michele, 13, 00153
Phone: 06 585531
https://www.iccrom.org/Location inserted by
Cerreti Cnr Stefano