The Po delta Park, in the province of Rovigo, is one of the most evocative naturalistic oases in Italy and the largest wetland in Europe. Before flowing into the Adriatic, the "sweet giant", as the Po is called, opens like a fan, branching out into seven streams, giving life to a unique natural environment. The wildest, the Po di Maistra, offers the opportunity to visit the splendid oasis of the Cà Pisani floodplain. Enchanting landscapes follow one another along the Venice branch, the main one, with its river basins, lagoon benches, sandy islets, and vast reeds.

Navigating on the Po di Goro retraces the millenary history of reclamation, while at the mouth of the Po di Tolle, where the river embraces the sea, is the Sacca di Scardovari, a breeding place for delicious mussels and clams. Each branch of the river reserves different scenarios, characterized at dawn by rarefied mists that give a muffled atmosphere, at sunset by the reddish glare of the sun. An ornithological heritage that counts over 370 species including sedentary, migratory and migratory birds makes this area a popular destination for birdwatchers.
There are many ways to experience the Park: walking, horseback riding, boat tours, bike excursions. Numerous museums and visitor centers have been equipped for tourists, including the large water pump of Ca 'Vendramin, now the Reclamation Museum and the Litoran Botanical Garden, in Rosolina, declared a Site of Community Importance (S.I.C.).
For those who love fishing there is also the opportunity to spend a day among the reeds on board small boats, then stop in the "cavane", typical fishermen's huts and taste the fish caught.

The Municipalities of the Park:
Adria, Ariano nel Polesine, Corbola, Loreo, Papozze, Porto Tolle, Porto Viro, Rosolina, Taglio di Po
Po delta Park
Address: Tolle
Phone: 0426 372202
http://www.parcodeltapo.org/index.php/it/Location inserted by
Pierpaolo Dori