Hadrian's Villa (Villa Adriana) was an extra-urban imperial residence starting from the 2nd century. Commissioned by the emperor Hadrian (117-138), it is located near Tivoli (the ancient Tibur).

Gradually built in the first half of the 2nd century a few kilometers from ancient Tibur, the structure appears to be a rich complex of buildings extending over a vast area, which must have covered about 120 ha, in an area rich in water sources 17 Roman miles. from Urbs.

In 1999 the Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

"He had a villa built with exceptional pomp in Tivoli where the most famous places in the provinces of the empire were reproduced with their names, such as the Lyceum, the Academy, the Pritaneo, the city of Canopus, the Pecile and the Tempe valley ; and in order not to miss anything, he had also made a picture of the underworld. "
(Historia Augusta, Vita Hadriani, XXVI, 5)

Hadrian's Villa - Virtual Tour 360°
Address: Largo Marguerite Yourcenar, 1, 00010
Phone: 0774 530203
http://www.villaadriana.beniculturali.it/Location inserted by
Maria Giulia Catemario