Palazzo Capua, seat of the museum
The Museum, set up on the first floor of the eighteenth-century Palazzo Capua, presents, in a new setting inaugurated on 1 July 2011, the finds of the archaeological excavations in the Sarno Valley. The findings on display range from the prehistoric age to the medieval period. There are many funerary items from the necopolies of the area. Remarkable are the reconstructions of the box tombs - from the Hellenistic period, second half of the 4th century. BC -, found in the locality of Galitta del Capitano, with admirably preserved funerary paintings representing characteristic scenes such as the "return of the warrior welcomed by the family".
Palazzo Capua - Sarno Archaeological Museum of the Sarno Valley
Address: Via Cavour 9 84087 ,Sarno
Phone: 081 941451
Site: inserted by
Annalisa Giordano