CulturalHeritageOnline: Revoltella Museum

Revoltella Museum

Il Museo Revoltella is a modern art gallery located in Trieste.

It was originally the residence of Baron Pasquale Revoltella, situated in Piazza Venezia, then known as Piazza Giuseppina.

Upon his death in 1869, Baron Revoltella bequeathed the house, along with all its artworks, furnishings, and books, to the city.

In 1872, the Municipality transformed it into a museum.

The main palace, designed by the Berlin academic Friedrich Hitzig, was built in 1858.

To expand the original collection, the Municipality acquired Palazzo Brunner in the vicinity in 1907.

This building was fully utilized only from 1963 onwards, following the renovation by Carlo Scarpa.

In the same year, Palazzo Basevi was also added to the complex, with its complete implementation occurring in 1991 after the work carried out by Franco Vattolo and Giampaolo Bartoli.

Today, the museum comprises these three palaces, with the main entrance located on Via Diaz, providing an exhibition area of 4,000 square meters.

Revoltella Museum
Address: Via Armando Diaz, 27, 34123 Trieste TS
Phone: 0406754350

Location inserted by luca

Revoltella Museum Map

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