Soriano nel Cimino is an Italian town in the province of Viterbo in Lazio.

The first written testimony relating to the territory of Soriano is with Tito Livio, who in his ab Urbe condita Historia, tells that in 443 BC. Soriano was invaded by the Roman militias commanded by the consul Quinto Fabio Massimo Rulliano; the latter, in the war against the Etruscans, managed to cross the impenetrable forest "which covered Mount Cimino and from the summit contemplated the expanse of fertile fields below populated and cultivated by the Etruscans, which he easily defeated.

At the end of the 3rd century AD the local populations were evangelized by Saint Eutizio di Ferento.

After the martyrdom that occurred during the persecution by Diocletian, around 303 - 305 AD, the saint was buried in a catacomb near Soriano.

Soriano nel Cimino
Address: Piazza Umberto I, 12 01038
Phone: 0761742230
https://comune.sorianonelcimino.vt.it/Location inserted by