The Isle of Roses was a dream, a dream that lasted 55 days and was destroyed by the Italian Navy between 11 and 13 February 1969.
It all started in Rimini on 1 May 1968 from an idea of Giorgio Rosa, a Bolognese engineer, who planted an orange flag with 3 red roses on a white background on his artificial island, declaring an independent state a platform off the Italian territorial waters and giving birth to the myth of the Isle of Roses.
A story that has piqued the interest of reporters and writers from half of Europe and that on December 9 will be re-released on Netflix in the film "The Incredible Story of the Isle of Roses" directed by Sydney Sibilla with Elio Germano as Engineer Giorgio Rosa, visionary protagonist of the story.
Isle of Roses, charm and mystery
The success of the film directed by Sidney Sibilia and produced by Netflix with Elio Germano in the role of the protagonist also contributed to the 'rediscovery' of Isola delle Rose. A film that has aroused a renewed interest in the island of dreams.
"We often make excursions, but this year - Paganelli assures - there will be many who will come to Rimini to admire the Isola delle Rose from up close".
But what can be seen of the micro-nation today? "On the seabed there are still some pylons, two of the four buoys that the Port Authority at the time used to perimeter the area, some pieces of the perimeter walls, a ladder, the river stones with which Rosa filled the pipes of the platform", Paganelli says.
And that they are the remains of the island, there is no doubt: "We showed Rosa some stones and other objects found on the seabed, and she confirmed that they belonged to the island".
Isle of Roses
Address: Mare Adriatico, Mar Mediterraneo
https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isola_delle_Rose_(micronazione)Location inserted by