On 8 August 1938, five months after the so-called "annexation" of Austria to the Reich, the first prisoners from the Dachau concentration camp arrived in Mauthausen. For a time Mauthausen and Gusen were the only concentration camps classified as Category III, intended for "prisoners who are difficult to recover",

At the end of 1942 in the Mauthausen and Gusen camps and in the few satellite camps there were 14,000 prisoners, while in March 1945 the number of people detained in Mauthausen and its satellite camps, which had increased in number, amounted to over 84,000.

In the spring of 1945, the satellite camps located east of Mauthausen were dismantled, as well as the camps for Hungarian Jews forced into forced labor.

Most of the deportees present in Mauthausen came from Poland, followed by Soviet and Hungarian citizens, but there were also numerous groups of Germans, Austrians, French, Italians, Yugoslavs and Spaniards.

In total, almost 190,000 people were deported to Mauthausen during the period between the construction of the Lager in August 1938 and its liberation by the US Army in May 1945.

At least 10,200 prisoners were murdered by asphyxiation, most of them in the Gas Chamber in the Central Camp, others in Hartheim Castle, one of the "Euthanasia Project" extermination centers, or in Gusen's Camp, locked up in sealed barracks or in a bus. who was commuting between Mauthausen and Gusen, into which poisonous gas was introduced.

In total, at least 90,000 prisoners died in Mauthausen, Gusen and the other satellite camps, nearly half of whom perished during the four months prior to liberation.
Mauthausen Memorial - Virtual Tour 360°
Address: Erinnerungsstraße 1 - 4310
Phone: +43 7238 2269-0
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