The Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, also known as the Basilica de la Virgen del Pilar, or simply del Pilar, is one of the most important Marian shrines in the Catholic world, to which thousands of pilgrims go every year.
The reason lies at the origins of the growing devotion to the Virgin during the 17th century and the legend that is intimately linked to her. In fact, in 39, tradition has it that Mary went to Zaragoza to comfort the apostle James embittered by the effects of his preaching.

Speaking to him, the Virgin rose on a pillar that was located in the point where the future basilica will rise. Hence the name Pilar which also has a symbolic meaning.

Basilica of Nuestra Señora del Pilar -Virtual Tour 360 °
Address: Plaza del Pilar
Phone: 608219566
https://catedraldezaragoza.es/Location inserted by