The Basilica of San Bartolomeo all'Isola is a Catholic place of worship in Rome and was built in the year 1000 on the Tiber Island, in the Ripa district.

Emperor Otto III of Saxony built this basilica by dedicating it to his friend, Saint Adalbert of Prague, but when the apostle's relics arrived, the basilica changed its dedication.

The relics were placed in a basin placed under the altar: they had arrived in Benevento from Armenia in 809, and then moved from the city of Campania to Rome, perhaps causing the siege of Benevento by Otto against Pandolfo II.

In 1018 Pope Benedict VIII's bull Quoties illa refers to the definitive transfer of the cathedral and the episcope of the bishops of Porto to the church of San Bartolomeo.

The remains of St. Bartholomew were transported to Rome in a basin that was stolen by unknown persons in January 1981 and found in May 1985. However, the remains that reached Rome were not those of St. Bartholomew, but of the bishop of Nola, St. Paulinus, as the relics of the Apostle always remained well preserved in Benevento.

The basilica was entrusted in 1993 to the Community of Sant'Egidio. Starting in 1999, the "New Martyrs" commission met for two years in the basilica, with the task of investigating the Christian martyrs of the twentieth century.

In October 2002, with a solemn ecumenical celebration in the presence of Cardinals Ruini, Kasper and George, and the Romanian Orthodox Patriarch Teoctist, a large icon dedicated to the martyrs of the twentieth century was placed on the high altar; other memories of martyrs are placed in the side chapels, each dedicated to a particular historical situation.

The basilica of San Bartolomeo is today a memorial place for the "new martyrs" of the twentieth century. Inside, the basilica houses the memories and relics of many witnesses of our time, from the martyred bishop Óscar Arnulfo Romero to Cardinal Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo, killed by drug traffickers at Guadalajara airport, from evangelical pastor Paul Schneider to farmer Franz Jägerstätter, opponents of Nazism for conscientious objection and testimony of faith, from the monk and spiritual guide Sofian Boghiu, opponent of communist totalitarianism in Romania, to Fr Andrea Santoro, a Roman priest killed in Trebizond, like the French priest André Jarlan in Chile, witnesses to dialogue and friendship with the poorest.

A fresco with Mary Enthroned with the Child among figures of prayers, Byzantine art with clear Romanesque influences, dating back to the 12th century, has re-emerged above a side altar.

San Bartolomeo all'Isola Basilica - Virtual Tour 360°
Address: Piazza di San Bartolomeo all'Isola, 22, 00186
Phone: 06 6877973
http://www.sanbartolomeo.org/Location inserted by