The Caffarella Park is known for its beauty and its importance, it is in fact an area of about 300 hectares of the Roman countryside that remains extraordinarily intact;
It is located immediately behind the historic center and contains archaeological monuments of exceptional beauty and importance, therefore it is a unique archaeological landscape.
Among these monuments we remember the so-called Nymphaeum of Egeria, the church of Sant’Urbano, various Roman cisterns, the Renaissance farmhouse of Vaccareccia, medieval towers, and its river, the Almone sacred to the ancient Romans;
here every year they performed the rites of the lavatio matrix; from 204 BC every 27 March a purification rite linked to the cult of Cybele, the Magna Mater, mother of all gods, was held in the waters of the Almone.
Starting from the 60s of the last century and for some decades, the Caffarella Valley was an unsafe and dangerous place with decay, prostitution and open-air landfills.
Caffarella Park
Address: Parco della Caffarella
Phone: +39 340 006 2218
https://www.caffarella.it/Location inserted by
Mattia Lombardo