The Bargello, also known as the Bargello Palace, Bargello National Museum, or Palazzo del Popolo, is a former barracks and prison, now an art museum, in Florence, Italy. The word bargello seems to derive from the late Latin bargillus (from the Gothic bargi and the German burg), which means "castle" or "fortified tower".

During the Italian Middle Ages it was the name given to a military captain charged with maintaining peace and justice (hence "Captain of Justice") during riots and tumults. In Florence he was usually hired by a foreign city to avoid any appearance of favoritism on the part of the Captain. The position could be compared to that of a current police chief. The Bargello name was extended to the palace which was the captain's office.

Bargello National Museum - Bargello Palace
Address: Via del Proconsolo, 4, 50122
Phone: +390550649440
http://www.bargellomusei.beniculturali.it/Location inserted by