Florence Palace is located in Rome, in the Campo Marzio area.

In view of the Jubilee of 1550, Pope Paul III started a grandiose renovation plan of the Campo Marzio district, in a state of neglect since the fall of the Western Roman Empire: the most qualifying element of the project was the opening Trinitatis (the current via dei Condotti and della Fontanella di Borghese), to connect the Pincio area to the port of Ripetta.

When the Farnese died in 1549, the work was continued by his successor, Giulio III del Monte. Taking advantage of the imminent development of the area, between 1550 and 1552 the new pontiff bought for his family (Balduino, Innocenzo and Fabiano) several palaces in Campo Marzio (which, in the intentions of Pope Julius, should have been transformed into one large residence).
Florence Palace
Address: Piazza di Firenze, 00186 Roma
Phone: n/a
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