The park is one of the most important and evocative archaeological sites in southern Italy.
It is the heart of the Mediterranean, of ancient history, of Magna Graecia!
But also a land of Byzantines and Norman conquerors of southern Europe!
And above all the land from which Ulysses left for Ithaca!
In fact it was the "via Istma", the road along which two rivers, the Corace and the Amato, covered the few kilometers that separate the Ionian from the Tyrrhenian Sea and of it "First among the cities of the Bruzi, it is believed to be founded by Ulysses" he wrote around 555 AD its most illustrated citizen, Cassiodorus.
Because among the founding myths of the city there is also the one that refers to the hero of the Trojan war, taken up to the present day by the German historian Armin Wolf.
In fact, it is believed that the Phaeacians of King Alcinoo and Princess Nausica lived in this strip of land, who welcomed the shipwrecked Ulysses on his pilgrimage to his homeland.
Scolacium Archaeological Park - Museum
Address: S.da Statale 106 Jonica, 88021
Phone: +390961391356
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