The Maria Lai Museum "Station of the art" is a museum dedicated to the artist Maria Lai which is located in Ulassai, in the Ogliastra subregion of Ogliastra, the town where Lai was born.
Managed by the "Fondazione Stazione dell'Arte Onlus" organization, of which Maria Lai was Honorary President for life.
The museum is located in the premises of the former Jerzu railway station (hence the name) along the S.P. 11, restored in the early 2000s to house the museum, inaugurated on 8 July 2006.
The structure is divided into three distinct buildings: the first includes the ticket office and a library on art, born from a donation of books that belonged to the artist, housed in what was the house of the unskilled worker.
The second building concerns the major exhibition halls, and in ancient times it was the passenger building of the station as well as the stationmaster's house, while the third building concerns the minor rooms, located in what was the locomotive shed where train maintenance was practiced.
Outside, between the various farmhouses, there is a large lawn where important theatrical events take place in the summer.
The museum was born thanks to an important donation of works by the artist Maria Lai and houses the most important and complete public collection of his work.
Maria Lai Museum - Art Station
Address: SP11, 08040
Phone: +390782787055
Site: inserted by