CulturalHeritageOnline: Great School of San Marco

Great School of San Marco

The Scuola Grande di San Marco is a Renaissance building, located in the Castello district, founded by the school of the same name, overlooking the Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice. It constitutes the current main entrance of the SS. Giovanni and Paolo.

The school was the seat of a brotherhood of the beaten and was established in 1260, it had its first seat at the demolished church of Santa Croce (in the area of ​​today's Papadopoli gardens). In 1437 the Dominicans of the nearby Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo granted an adjacent area for the construction of a new site, which in 1485 was devastated by a great fire. Within twenty years the School was restructured, thanks to the fund that the brotherhood established among its affiliates and to the support given by the Council of Pregadi.

The works, initially directed by Pietro Lombardo and Giovanni Buora, were entrusted in 1490 to Mauro Codussi, who completed the facade and built the internal staircase. In the 16th century the façade towards the Rio dei Mendicanti was built, apparently with the contribution of Jacopo Sansovino.

In 1807, under the Napoleonic rule, the brotherhood was suppressed: the building was the first seat of an Austrian military hospital and was later transformed into a civil hospital, substantially altering the interior.

The Scuola Grande di San Marco, founded as the Scuola dei Battuti in 1260, with a small meeting room near the disappeared church of Santa Croce, in 1437 had become so influential and wealthy that it took on the name of the patron saint of the city and was raised adjacent to the Dominican convent of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, the most impressive of the Venetian schools. The construction and the works that embellished it ended up in ashes on March 31, 1485; someone had left the candles lit on the altar in the Chapter Hall, the breeze swayed a curtain that caught fire, which burned to the ground all night long the whole School.

Great School of San Marco
Address: Campo dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo, 6777, 30122
Phone: +39 041 529 4323

Location inserted by giulia

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