Castle at the Sea (Castello a Mare) is located in the Castellammare Archaeological Park, near the Cala, in the La Loggia district, north of the port of Palermo.

It was the most important defensive bulwark of the port of Palermo until the twentieth century.

A first fortification was built in the Arab era around the 9th century, built facing the sea for the control and defense of the port, close to La Cala, in the area adjacent to the Kalsa.

The current structure was built in the Norman period by Roberto il Guiscardo and the Great Count Ruggero after the conquest.

3D model of the reconstruction of the Castle.

It was used as a military barracks until 1922. It suffered serious damage and substantial demolitions during the bombings of the Second World War.

In 2009, following excavations and restoration work, which began in 2006 to bring to light the remains of an Arab settlement in Piazza XIII Vittime, it became the nucleus of the Castellammare Archaeological Park.

Castle at the Sea
Address: Via Filippo Patti, 25, 90133
Phone: +390916116807
http://www.regione.sicilia.it/beniculturali/sitepda/pagina_musei.asp?ID=92&IdSito=59&IdC=&IdS=&IdAS=&Prov=ELocation inserted by