The Castle of Udine, symbol of Friuli, former seat of the Patriarch of Aquileia and the Venetian Lieutenant of the Homeland of Friuli, became a museum on 26 July 1906 on the occasion of the celebrations of the fortieth anniversary of the union of Friuli with Italy.
Today the Castle hosts two recent museum installations on the ground floor: the Risorgimento Museum and the Archaeological Museum, both the result of a careful museographic choice accompanied by innovative multimedia supports.
The route of the Ancient Art Gallery winds along the entire main floor with valuable works of art from the 14th to the 19th century, including paintings by Carpaccio, Caravaggio and Tiepolo.
On the third floor it is possible to admire the Museum of Photography with nineteenth- and twentieth-century images of the major photographers working in Friuli such as Pignat, Bujatti and Brisighelli.
Castle of Udine - Risorgimento Museum - Archaeological Museum
Address: Piazzale Patria del Friuli, 1, 33100
Phone: +3904321272591
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