The Oriolo Castle, presumably built in Norman times, is located in a dominant position with respect to the historic center of Oriolo and is fully part of the system of towers and defensive fortifications built by the Normans to defend the territory. The castle was initially built in the Byzantine era on an existing structure, but it was by the will of Roberto il Guiscardo that the fortification was further enlarged. It has a “quadrilateral base with three cylindrical corner towers from different periods, a square tower and an internal courtyard.

It is divided into two levels: the first military one accessed by a drawbridge and the other residential with decorated wooden ceilings that testify to the works carried out by Pignone del Carretto in the seventeenth century. " "It was a fief of the Sanseverino family until 1497 when Ferdinand of Aragon took it. In 1629 the Marquises Pignone del Carretto became owners who carried out considerable transformation works as evidenced by an epigraph in the castle ”.
The castle, object of recent restoration and consolidation, consists of a shapeless stone structure with brick wedges and has brick vaults on the first level and wooden ceilings on the second.
Oriolo Castle
Address: Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 143, 87073
Phone: 0981 93 08 71
http://www.comune.oriolo.cs.it/Location inserted by