The Painted House in Todi is an original mix of archaic, ancient and modern cultures, as original as the artist who conceived this experience: Brian O'Doherty.

He adopted the pseudonym of Patrick Ireland in 1972, after the events of the Bloody Sunday in Derry, to denounce the repressive attitude of the British government towards the Irish claims. Then he decreed the death of Patrick in 2008, returning to his original name (thanks to the change of attitude of Great Britain) with a ceremony held in the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin, where the tombstone of Patrick Ireland is still visible.

Back to us, Todi, Via delle Mura Antiche (Ancient Walls Alley): the street name tells us that we are in the historical center of the medieval town. At number 25, through a small door let's enter the house that the O'Dohertys bought years ago. To retire, you might think... not at all!

Just after the entrance steps there is a large kitchen with vintage furniture, but bright colored.

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The Painted House in Todi
Address: Via delle Mura Antiche, 25, 06059
https://www.umbriaecultura.it/todi-la-casa-dipinta-suggestioni-uniche-tra-antico-e-contemporaneo/Location inserted by
Benedetta Tintillini