The San Ludovico da Casoria Library is located inside the Monastery of Santa Chiara, in the majolica cloister, Naples.

In addition to promoting the Franciscan and religious bibliographic and archival heritage of the complex, it deals with cultural events to enhance the site and the history of southern Franciscanism through meetings, events, videos, exhibitions and reviews.

The RItratti dal Monastero project saw the creation of a docufilm on the history of the Monumental Complex through the historical reconstruction in costume, specifically analyzing three centuries, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, to put a focus on characters and events that have left a fundamental trace to the history of the moment and of the city of Naples itself.

Monumental Complex of Santa Chiara
Address: Via Santa Chiara, 49/C, 80134
Phone: 3930613996
http://www.monasterodisantachiara.it/Location inserted by
fulvia serpico