Val Codera is a valley located in the province of Sondrio, 100 kilometers from Milan, in the municipality of Novate Mezzola.
Among the traditional institutions still in use it is worth mentioning the four annual processions that take place in Codera in the days of St. Mark, St. John the Baptist, Assumption of Mary and St. Roch, when the sacred effigies are transported through the streets of the town by the brothers with the scarlet tunic.
This quote, which Leonardo da Vinci puts into his Codex Atlanticus, well sums up the rugged and wild character of the valley. In this regard, a popular tradition has it that the Val Codera was created by God first, when, still inexperienced, he did not know how to fix the mountains for good; or last, when, tired by now of all the labors of creation, he threw haphazardly into this tiny corner of the earth the last mountains and the steepest ravines that had advanced.
The Val Codera has assumed significant historical importance during the period of fascism, when it became the destination for gatherings of stray Eagles, a clandestine scout group (the fascist laws had made scouting illegal and all the youth associations outside the Opera national table). The first stray eagle to discover the valley, ideal for working underground due to its inaccessibility, was Gaetano Fracassi in 1935.
Other than Britannia, Scotland or Valencia. The Holy Grail, the most sought after relic in history, could be hidden among the boulders of the Val Codera. To bring it to us, in the sixth century after Christ, it would have been a priest who, during a journey from Britain to Rome to bring the Grail into the Pope's hands, was forced to stop on the Lario for the invasion of the Lombards.
According to legend, of which we find traces in various writings including the novel "The Island. The enigmatic story of the Holy Grail on the Lario "by Giovanni Galli, the Holy Grail would have been kept for five centuries in the church of Aquae Sulis in Britannia, where it would have been brought by Joseph of Arimatea. Around the year 500, under the threat of the advance of pagan armies, its custodians decided to put him in safety and take him to Rome in the hands of the Pope.
The Grail was then brought to Colico and then inside the impervious valley that opens up in front of the lake, the Val Codèra precisely. Giovanni Galli tells the place where the friar would have chosen to hide the chalice.
It is the description of the Saas Carlasch, one of the most evocative and panoramic places in the Valley. The Grail would have been hidden there, but when the friars returned on order from the Pope to recover it, they found an expanse of boulders.
A landslide had rendered the landscape unrecognizable and the Holy Grail unavailable.
Val Codera
Address: Localita Codera, 1
Phone: 0343 62037
Site: inserted by
Paola Bonometti