Labicana Street was one of the oldest Roman roads.
Today the ancient road is remembered in Rome by the urban road via Labicana between viale Manzoni and the Colosseum.
It probably existed as a path since prehistoric times.
Its first historical testimony dates back to 418 BC. when the dictator Quinto Servilio Prisco conquered the city of Labicum (today Monte Compatri).
Via Labicana was born as an alternative route to the ancient Via Latina.
In fact, the two roads joined at the point Ad Bivium to the west of the Mons Algidus pass (today Mount Artemisio).
But while the distance from Rome remained the same, the Via Labicana remained on a path further downstream that was rarely covered with snow.
The Roman emperor Didio Giuliano was buried at the 5th mile on via Labicana after being executed in the year 193.
Labicana Street - Virtual Tour 360°
Address: Via Labicana, 00184
Site: inserted by