In the heart of the Monferrato Casalese is the charming village of Cella Monte, characteristic for the houses built with a particular and typical material of the area, the “Pietra da Cantoni”, to which a special Ecomuseum has been dedicated which can be visited on site.
The term ecomuseum indicates a territory characterized by traditional living environments, particularly relevant naturalistic and historical-artistic heritage and worthy of protection, restoration and enhancement.
In post-industrial society the gaze is turned to culture and its function in the territory which is placed on the same level as scientific research and has acquired interesting economic implications.
The historical, cultural and environmental heritage have become an object of public interest in which the company can get to know the area that surrounds it.
Ecomuseo della Pietra da Cantoni has been operating since 2003 for the development of a unified culture between the different realities present in the Casalese Monferrato, promoting initiatives aimed at its recovery not only as a historical testimony and family and social life, but also to revitalize the activities and agricultural productions typical of this area.
The Pietra da Cantoni represents the element in which to recognize oneself, which has conditioned and still influences the Monferrato, whose presence can be read in the urban and landscape fabric.
Pietra da Cantoni is one of the most valuable building stones, deriving as a composition from Miocene deposits, at the time when the formation of the Apennine chain caused various variations in sea level, which covered much of the current Monferrato for millions of years.
Ecomuseum of the Pietra da Cantoni
Address: Via Circonvallazione, 15034 Cella Monte AL
Phone: 0142488161
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