The Brancacci Chapel is located in the transept of the church of Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence and is famous for the cycle of frescoes by Masolino da Panicale and Masaccio, to which must be added the hand of Filippino Lippi, called to complete the work about fifty 'years after.

It is one of the greatest examples of early Florentine Renaissance painting, which exerted a strong influence on subsequent generations; just think that even the young Michelangelo often came here to study the figures.
A terrible fire that broke out in 1771 caused the destruction of the interior of the church and the loss of a large part of its furnishings.

The ancient Sacristy (decorated with early 15th century frescoes), the Brancacci Chapel and the Corsini Chapel (1675-1683), a rare and valuable example of Roman Baroque in Florence, are spared.

Within a few years the church was completely renovated in late Baroque style by the architect Giuseppe Ruggieri, flanked by the painters Giuseppe Romei and Domenico Stagi, taking on the aspect that still characterizes it today.

The Brancacci Chapel (Florence 1424) has as its theme the life of St. Peter (= church), scenes from Genesis. The three styles are amalgamated. By Masaccio there are the works: Expulsion of Adam and Eve, The tribute, the resurrection of the son of Theophilus and St. Peter in the Chair, the baptism of neophytes, the resurrection of Tabita, the distribution of goods and the death of Ananias.
Brancacci Chapel
Address: Piazza del Carmine, 14, 50124
Phone: 055 212331
http://museicivicifiorentini.comune.fi.it/brancacci/Location inserted by
Elena Petrioli