The Simonetti Winery overlooks Piazza S. Rocco next to the lower entrance of the Palazzo Vescovile. The palace has been restored several times by Pope Pius V1, by Cardinal D`Estouteville and by Cardinals Paolucci and Enrico of York. On the square there is an old octagonal fountain built in 1840 by Cardinal D`Estouteville. it is the oldest public water source in Frascati.

Porta S. Rocco stood opposite the source, one of the main entrances to Frascati. In the summer, by eating outside the winery, you can enjoy this splendid view.
Participant in the 5th edition of 2019 of the transmission 4Ristoranti by Alessandro Borghese in the fifth episode.
Best fraschetta: Cantina Simonetti, La Fraschetta de Sora Ines, Osteria di Corte, Hosteria La Fraschetta. Hosteria La Fraschetta wins.
Program conducted with the usual sympathy by chef Alessandro Borghese, ready to accompany us, with his long experience in the field of catering, in a hunt for the culinary treasures of the peninsula that intrigues Italian viewers more and more.

Cantina Simonetti Restaurant
Address: Piazza San Rocco, 4, 00044
Phone: 347 630 0269
https://cantinasimonettifa.wixsite.com/fraschettaLocation inserted by
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