Schio is an Italian town in the Province of Vicenza in the Veneto Region. By number of inhabitants, it is the tenth municipality in the region and the third in the province, after the capital and Bassano del Grappa.

Schio is, by territorial extension, the fifth municipality of the Province of Vicenza. It is located at the mouth of the Val Leogra, in the Upper Vicenza area, and is crossed by some torrential rivers: the Leogra, the Timonchio, the Livergon near Magrè and various other minor tributaries.

The inhabited center of Schio, located at an altitude of 200 m asl, is surrounded by a mountainous amphitheater, which has disadvantaged the development of a culture dedicated to trade, favoring the development of numerous activities, artisanal first, then industrial ( especially of the woolen art), as a means of sustenance.

The ancient rural culture, however still present in this town, is testified above all by the presence of many districts in its hills and mountains.

Address: Via Pasini 33, 36015
Phone: 0445-691.111
http://www.comune.schio.vi.it/web/schio/Location inserted by
Bonometti Paola