Our kitchen is made of genuine, fresh products, authentic recipes and revisited with our creativity and imagination. The use of always first choice products means inevitably working with very delicate and easily perishable raw materials. It is thanks to this concept that we are inspired by the values ​​of the short chain and the seasonality of the products used: on the one hand, the use of seasonal products guarantees a better quality product; on the other hand, purchasing directly from the manufacturer minimizes time and handling, allowing the product to arrive in the kitchen of the 900 Restaurant with all its baggage of sensory and nutritional values.
The fruit and vegetables are chosen personally and daily by us chefs on the market stalls of small producers who every day bring the fruits of their garden, paying particular attention to the criteria of seasonality. The meats are provided to us by our trusted butchers who reserve us top quality cuts. Our wine list is still developing, as young as the 900Restaurant is. In our selection you will find important wineries but also small companies that lovingly produce excellent wine. Our winery is constantly evolving and we will try to broaden semore more the choice and always give you new proposals to taste.
Participant in the 1st Edition of 2015 of the transmission 4 Restaurants by Alessandro Borghese in the third episode.
Best granite restaurant in Matera: 900 restaurant, Stano ristorazione, Il mare nei sassi, Abbondanza lucana. Stano ristorazione Win.
Program conducted with the usual sympathy by chef Alessandro Borghese, ready to accompany us, with his long experience in the field of catering, in a hunt for the culinary treasures of the peninsula that intrigues Italian viewers more and more.
900 Restaurant
Address: Via Santo Stefano, 31, 75100
Phone: 0835 680527
http://900restaurant.it/Location inserted by
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