The House of the Knights of Rhodes, in Rome, is a building located in the Forum of Augustus, since 1946 again in use by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, to whose "ancestors", the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, it belonged since the 13th century.
The elevations of the Forum of Augustus and the temple of Mars had fallen at least in part, presumably, already starting from the earthquakes of the fifth century.
The underground spaces, swamped and full of ruins that resulted were identified, during the Middle Ages, with different and approximate names: Transitional Forum, Foro di Nerva and Foro di S. Basilio for the space of the Forum, and Palatium Traiani Imperatoris or temple of Nerva for the temple of Mars Ultor.
The name "Foro di S. Basilio" refers to the first medieval settlements in the Forum, consisting of a small church dedicated to St. Basil and its monastery, built in the 9th century by the Basilian monks on the podium of the Temple of Mars Ultor and on the northern exedra of the Forum.
The House of the Knights of Rhodes
Address: Piazza del Grillo, 1, 00184
Phone: 06 67103537
http://www.sovraintendenzaroma.it/i_luoghi/roma_medioevale_e_moderna/beni_architettonici/casa_dei_cavalieri_di_rodiLocation inserted by
Bonometti Paola