The municipal territory, among the largest in the province, extends for 156.60 km² and crosses the Piana di Lucca from north to south, touching the Pizzorne plateau to the north and Monte Pisano to the south. The municipal area was reduced in 1913 with the election of the hamlet of Porcari as an autonomous municipality and in 1926 with the transfer to the municipality of Altopascio of the hamlet of Badia Pozzeveri. In one of its hamlets, there is a stretch of the Etruscan iron road.

Like Capannoli not far away, the toponym Capannori is a derivative of a hut (capannule); the passage from / l / to / r / in this case is typical of the Lucca area. In 1997 the Municipality of Capannori established on its territory a small protected natural area of ​​local interest (ANPIL) in the hamlet of Castelvecchio, on the border with the Province of Pisa. The area, called "Bosco del Bottaccio della Visona" has the task of preserving one of the few wetlands left in north-western Tuscany. The project aims to protect the flora and fauna of the wetlands, with particular regard to the species of migratory birds, such as storks and egrets. Specimens of newt and other amphibians have also been spotted in the oasis, which find in the clear lake formed by the Rio Visona a place suitable for their life cycle.

From a botanical point of view, the Bosco del Bottaccio is characterized by a hygrophilous black alder (Alnus glutinosa) and mesophilic phytocoenosis dominated by the English oak, Quercus robur. In the clear, hydrophilic species are now very rare, such as the iris, the frog bite (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae), the bladder grass (Utricularia australis) and some ferns of high botanical value. The delicate balance of this area is threatened by the presence of some allochthonous species, such as nutria (Myocastor coypus), Louisiana red prawn Procambarus clarkii, maple negundo (Acer negundo), locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia) and Amorpha fruticosa.
Address: Via di Tiglio, 446, 55012
Phone: 0583 90020
http://comune.capannori.lu.itLocation inserted by
Culturalword Abco