The characteristic name of Garden City derives from the numerous parks and gardens that are located within the municipality, largely belonging to villas built there between the eighteenth and early twentieth centuries, first by noble families and more recently by industrialists and representatives of the upper middle class, mainly from Milan. Varese is part of the Agricultural Region No. 4 - Varese Hills, the Campo dei Fiori Regional Park, and the Network of Strategic Cities (RECS). The inhabitants of the city are called Varesini, while the inhabitants of the hinterland are called Varesotti. Similarly, a large part of the territory of the province beyond the city limits is called Varesotto.

The city of Varese is located in a characteristic position, at the foot of the Sacro Monte di Varese (in the Varese Prealps), which is part of the Campo dei Fiori and is home to an astronomical observatory, as well as the pre-Alpine geophysical center. The fraction that occupies the middle part of the mountain takes the name of Santa Maria del Monte because of the medieval sanctuary, which can be reached via the avenue of the chapels of the Sacro Monte. To mark the lower edge of the city, the homonymous lake that laps it at the level of some hamlets.

The Varese area is bathed in numerous streams, and is affected by the Varese lake. In the hamlet of Rasa di Varese, the Olona river has three of its sources, also in this hamlet Olona receives the waters of the Legnone, Des and Sesnivi (or Valle del Forno) streams. Further downstream, in the Bregazzana locality, the torrents Braschè, Pissabò, Boscaccia and Grassi also flow into Olona. To the north east, Varese runs along the eastern spring branch of Olona which flows through Valganna; on the border between Varese and Induno Olona, ​​the Pedana della Madonna stream flows into the river. Below Santa Maria del Monte flows what can be considered as the Varese waterway, the Vellone torrent. After having bathed the district of Velate, it crosses the city covered, then flows into Olona in Belforte.
Address: Via Luigi Sacco, 5, 21100
Phone: 0332 255111
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