According to the 2011 census, the population of the city of Bolzano is 73.30% Italian, 25.02% German and 0.68% Ladin. The agglomeration of Bolzano, including the municipalities of Appiano on the Strada del Vino, Bronzolo, Cornedo, Laives, Ora, San Genesio, Terlano and Vadena, at April 30, 2017 had 158 451 inhabitants.

The percentage of foreigners, mostly from non-EU Europe and in a minority of EU countries, at December 31, 2016 amounted to 14.4% (15,485). The city, according to what reported in the report of Legambiente "Urban Ecosystem 2017", was ranked third in the ranking of the best Italian cities for quality of the environment and life. In the following year she won second place.

Bolzano is located at an altitude of 265 m in the eastern part of the wide valley originating from the conjunction of the Isarco, Sarentina and Adige valleys. The basin is delimited to the west by the Mendola chain, to the north-west of the Salto plateau (Salten, 1,500 m), to the north-east by a minor summit of the Renon (Ritten) called Monte Tondo (Hörtenberg), and to the south- east from Monte Pozza (1,619 m) on the northern side of which is the locality Colle, whose name is often misused to designate the entire mountain.
Address: Vicolo Gumer, 7, 39100
Phone: 0471 997111
http://comune.bolzano.itLocation inserted by
Culturalword Abco