Its historic center is built almost entirely in travertine, and for its artistic and architectural richness it is sometimes remembered as one of the most beautiful in Italy, as well as the Renaissance Piazza del Popolo, despite still a small number of tourists compared to other cities. of central Italy. It preserves several noble and bell towers and for this reason it is called the City of a hundred towers. It is the only city in the Marche to have two historical theaters, the Ventidio Basso and the Filarmonici.

Every year the famous Quintana takes place which consists mainly of two medieval knightly tournaments that take place in the summer. Both are preceded and followed by a procession with around one thousand four hundred appearing in period costumes. It has been renewed since 1955 without interruption and is based on ancient statutes dating back to the 14th century. The city is also known for the famous olive of Ascoli, a gastronomic specialty born in Ascoli Piceno and widespread throughout the Italian territory and also outside national borders.

he city is located in the southern part of the Marche region and is 28 km from the Adriatic Sea. Its urban center rises at an altitude of 154 m asl, in the confluence between the Tronto river and the Castellano stream, surrounded on three sides by mountains, including the Ascension mountain, the San Marco hill and the mountain of flowers. Its territory is surrounded by two protected natural areas: the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga national park in the south and the Monti Sibillini national park in the north-west.
Ascoli Piceno
Address: Piazza Arringo, 63100
Phone: 0736 2981
http://comune.ap.it Location inserted by
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