The city is located in the far east of the Liguria region, a few kilometers from the border with Tuscany, in the center of a deep natural gulf to which it gives its name. The gulf, also known by the name of Golfo dei Poeti, is surrounded by a continuous chain of heights whose highest peaks, Monte Verrugoli (749 m asl) and Monte Parodi (673 m asl), are located at the end western part of the town.
The municipal area of ​​La Spezia is part of the inter-regional basin authority of the Magra river while a small portion of the municipal area, consisting of the small village of Tramonti and the surrounding hill, falls within the Cinque Terre National Park. The city stands on a narrow strip of land between the sea and the mountains; this resulted in the development of numerous neighborhoods on the hills and the rather irregular layout of the urban plan. In the twenties of the twentieth century it was even necessary to resort to the partial excavation of the Cappuccini hill (where the current Piazza Europa stands) to allow the historic center to expand eastwards, in the direction of the Migliarina plain, the only one possible since the area to the west it is occupied by the Military Arsenal.
The gulf that protects the city has an extension of about 150 hectares and is closed by a breakwater about 2,210 meters long with two passages, the west one about 400 meters wide and the east one about 200 meters. The inlet of the gulf has a length of 4.6 km and a width of 3.2 km. Precisely the particular shape of the gulf, well sheltered from storm surges and possible enemy attacks, has favored the construction in La Spezia of one of the largest arsenals of the Navy and, over the years, the development of one of the largest merchant ports in the Mediterranean.
La Spezia
Address: Piazza Europa, 1, 19124
Phone: 0187 7271
http://comune.laspezia.itLocation inserted by
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