Trani is an Italian town, the capital, together with Barletta and Andria, in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, in Puglia. The city is famous for the Romanesque cathedral and the Swabian castle, for the extraction and processing from its quarries of a particular type of stone, sedimentary rock (the stone of Trani) and Moscato wine.
An important tourist destination, the city was a significant commercial port until the sixteenth century; it is thought that the first maritime code of the western world, the Ordinamenta et consuetudo maris, was promulgated in 1063. Seat of the court, it was in the past the capital of the province of Terra di Bari and subsequently the seat of the Apulian court of appeal.
Address: Via Tenente Luigi Morrico, 2 76125
Phone: 0883.581111
https://www.comune.trani.bt.it/Location inserted by